October 17, 2024

Mae’r Esgob wedi mynnu bod Dewi Sant yn cael asesiad.

Dim ond esgus iddo fe ddiswyddo Dewi Sant yw’r asesiad.

Ond beth fydd yn cael ei asesu?

Dim byd.

Ond mae angen i bopeth ymddangos mor swyddogol â phosib er mwyn i gynllun yr Esgob weithio, felly mae Dewi Sant yn gorfod mynychu “canolfan asesu” lle mae pobl â golwg gwyddonol arnyn nhw’n rhuthro o gwmpas mewn cotiau gwyn.

Aelodau o’r côr ydyn nhw, mewn gwirionedd. Yn sydyn, mae Dewi Sant yn adnabod un ohonyn nhw. Cafodd ei gicio unwaith ganddo fe yn ystod yr oedfa. Ond mae’n rhy hwyr. Mae e wedi cael ei glymu wrth gadair.

Mae dyn â thun rhostio ar ei ben yn dod i mewn i’r ystafell ar gyflymder o gan milltir yr awr.

Pwy yw e?

Neb ond yr enwog Bryn Terfel yw e! Ydy e wedi dod i achub y dydd?

Nac ydy, mae’n debyg. Dim ond rhuthro o gwmpas yn bwrw mewn i amryw o bethau yw e.

Saesneg / English

The assessment

The Bishop has demanded that Saint David has an assessment.

The assessment is just an excuse for him to sack Saint David.

But what will be assessed?


But everything needs to appear as official as possible for the Bishop’s plan to work, so Saint David must attend an “assessment centre” where people who look scientific are rushing around in white coats.

They are actually members of the choir. Suddenly, Saint David recognises one of them. He was kicked by him during the service once. But it’s too late. He has been tied to a chair.

A man with a roasting tin on his head enters the room at a speed of one hundred miles an hour.

Who is it?

It’s none other than the famous Bryn Terfel! Has he come to save the day?

Apparently not. Bryn Terfel just rushes around crashing into various things.

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