October 16, 2024

Mae Daf y gath yn meindio ei busnes ei hun pan mae rhywun yn dod i’r ardd.

Dyma Dafydd Iwan.

Ydy e’n hapus?

Nac ydy.

Pam lai?

Achos bod Bryn Terfel wedi torri addewid. Roedd e i fod i fynd i dŷ Dafydd Iwan am swper, ond mae e’n dal i aros gyda’r Corinthiaid.

Ydy e’n wlyb?



Achos ei fod e wedi bod yn eistedd yn y glaw o dan y twll yn y to wrth wylio’r teledu eto.

O diar.

– Helo, Dafydd Iwan, meddai Daf y gath. – Shwd wyt ti?

Ond dyw Dafydd Iwan ddim yn ateb. Mae e wedi gweld olion bananas Bryn Terfel a dechrau llefain.

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat is minding her own business when someone comes ino the garden.

It’s Dafydd Iwan.

Is he happy?


Why not?

Because Bryn Terfel broke a promise. He was supposed to go to Dafydd Iwan’s house for dinner, but he is still staying with the Corinthians.

Is he wet?



Because he has been sitting in the rain under the hole in the roof while watching the television again.

Oh dear.

– Hello, Dafydd Iwan, says Dave the cat. – How are you?

But Dafydd Iwan does not answer. He has seen the remains of Bryn Terfel’s bananas and started to cry.

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