October 16, 2024

Mae Daf y gath wedi cael syniad am fenter newydd. Mae hi’n mynd i argraffu cardiau busnes.

– Jeff, ‘drycha! Dwi wedi neud sawl cerdyn yn barod, meddai Daf yn gyffrous.

Mae Daf yn dangos cerdyn i Jeff.

‘Dydyn nhw ddim yn gwneud argraff dda ar Jeff.

– Dim ond llunie ohonot ti y’n nhw. Beth yw’r pwynt?

– Ma’ ‘na destun ar eu cefn nhw. Bydd pawb yn ymweld â’n gwefan ni a phrynu stwff.

Testun ar gefn cardiau Saf
“Ma’ na destun ar eu cefn nhw.”

– Pa stwff?

Mae Daf yn oedi.

– T’mod… er, stwff, meddai Daf, yn ansicr.

Saesneg / English

Business cards venture

Dave the cat has had an idea for a new venture. She is going to print business cards.

– Jeff, look! I’ve already made several cards, says Dave excitedly.

Dave shows Jeff a card.

‘They don’t make a good impression on Jeff.

– They’re just pictures of you. What’s the point?

– There is text on their back. Everyone will visit our website and buy stuff.

– What stuff?

Dave hesitates.

– Y’know, er, stuff, says Dave, uncertainly.

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