October 16, 2024

Mae Daf y gath wedi penderfynu cynnal dosbarth dawnsio yn lle dosbarth canu. Santes Dwynwen bydd yr athrawes, gan fod Bryn Terfel yn dal i lefain am ei dun rhostio a bwyta gormod o fananas.

Mae’r sesiwn gyntaf yn dechrau gyda waltsio, cyn symud ymlaen at y Paso Doble.

– Safwch yn dal! meddai Santes Dwynwen. – Ac yna, gwnewch siâp banana.

O na.

Mae Bryn Terfel yn stopio llefain am ei dun rhostio e, a rhedeg tuag at y dawnswyr sydd yn gwneud siâp banana.

Mae e’n eu llowcio nhw i gyd.

– O wel, meddai Daf y gath, – Fydd ddim angen ad-daliadau, o leia.

Saesneg / English

Dance class

Dave the cat has decided to hold a dancing class instead of a singing class. Saint Dwynwen will be the teacher, as Bryn Terfel is still crying about his roasting tin and eating too many bananas.

The first session starts with a waltz, before moving on to the Paso Doble.

– Stand tall! says Saint Dwynwen. – And then, make a banana shape.

Oh no.

Bryn Terfel stops crying about his roasting tin, and runs towards the dancers who are making a banana shape.

He gobbles them all up.

– Oh well, says Dave the cat, – There will be no need for refunds, at least.

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