October 16, 2024

Mae het ysblennydd gydag Eifion yr octopws. Digwydd bod, tun rhostio yw hi.

O diar.

– Pam wnest ti ddwyn tun rhostio Bryn Terfel? gofyn Daf y gath i Eifion.

– O’n i isio het ysblennydd, ‘sti? meddai Eifion.

– Wel, mae’n sicr yn ysblennydd, meddai Daf. – Ond bydd trafferth.

Mae Bryn Terfel yn dechrau taflu bananas ar Eifion wrth lefain.

– T’weld? Trafferth, meddai Daf y gath, a bant â hi.

Saesneg / English

Eifion’s hat

Eifion the octopus has a splendid hat. As it happens, it’s a roasting tin.

Oh dear.

– Why did you steal Bryn Terfel’s roasting tin? Dave the cat asks Eifion.

– I wanted a splendid hat, y’know? says Eifion.

– Well, it’s certainly spectacular, says Dave. – But there will be trouble.

Bryn Terfel starts throwing bananas at Eifion while weeping.

– Y’see? Trouble, says Dave the cat, and off she goes.

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