October 16, 2024

Mae brawd Dewi Sant wedi bod yn siarad â’r cyfryngau. Mae e wedi ysgrifennu llyfr sydd yn “dweud y gwir am Dewi Sant”, mae e’n honni.

Mae Santes Dwynwen yn darllen y llyfr. Mae golwg dioddefus ar wyneb Dewi Sant.

– Wnest ti… wnest ti ddim…

Mae Santes Dwynwen mewn sioc.

– Siwr o fod, meddai Dewi Sant. – Sa i’n cofio lot. ‘Ta beth, wedd e’n haeddu popeth. Arno ef yw’r bai y des i’n Sant yn y lle cynta, y diawl. Efe berformiodd y gwyrthiau i gyd, nid fi. Nath e wadu popeth, ac wedyn honni taw fi oedd yr un sanctaidd. Felly, ie, ni ‘di câl ychydig o ffraeon…

– Fel fi a Jeff, meddai Daf y gath.

– Ond ti ddim yn perfformio gwyrthiau, y dwpsen, meddai Jeff.

Saesneg / English


Saint David’s brother has been speaking to the media. He has written a book which he claims “tells the truth about St David”.

Saint Dwynwen is reading the book. There is a resigned look on Saint David’s face.

– You… you didn’t…

Saint Dwynwen is in shock.

– Probably, says Saint David. – I don’t remember much. Whatever, he deserved everything. It’s his fault I became a saint in the first place, the devil. He performed all the miracles, not me. He denied everything, and then claimed that I was the holy one. So, yes, we’ve had a few arguments…

– Like me and Jeff, says Dave the cat.

– But you don’t perform miracles, you idiot, says Jeff.

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