October 16, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant eisiau anghofio’r Nadolig hwn.

Mae’r Nadolig wedi bod yn gatastroffig. Gwnaeth yr Esgob droi lan, wedi ei wisgo fel y baban Iesu. Daeth ei deulu i’w ymweld ag e, ac fe redodd allan o win tra bod y siopau ar gau. Yna daeth Jeff â sgwid anferth i’r ardd, sydd nawr yn pydru.

– Beth am i ti fynd i’r gampfa? awgryma Daf y gath. – Mae’n anodd canolbwyntio ar unrhyw beth arall wrth i ti wthio a thynnu pwysau o gwmpas y lle.

– Byddai’n well ‘da fi fod yn jynci na mynd i’r fath hwnnw o le, ymateb Dewi.

Yn y pen draw, mae Dewi Sant yn penderfynu mynd ati i gael gwared ar y sgwid anferth fesul darn gyda llwy bwrdd. Bydd yn ddiwrnod hir.

Saesneg / English


Saint David wants to forget this Christmas.

Christmas has been catastrophic. The Bishop turned up, dressed as the baby Jesus. His family came to visit him, and he ran out of wine while the shops were closed. Jeff then brought a colossal squid into the garden, which is now rotting.

– How about going to the gym? suggests Dave the cat. – It’s hard to focus on anything else when you’re pushing and pulling weights around the place.

– I’d prefer to be a junkie than to go to that kind of place, Saint David responds.

Ultimately, Saint David decides to set about getting rid of the colossal squid piece by piece with a tablespoon. It’s going to be a long day.

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