October 16, 2024

Amser teulu yw amser Nadolig.

Mae Dewi Sant yn cuddio rhag ei rieni yn ei sied e. Mae e’n gwrthod dod allan.

Mae deg awr wedi bod ers i dad Dewi ddechrau cwyno am bobl ifanc, am y sefyllfa wleidyddol, ac, wrth gwrs, Dewi ei hun.

Mae tad Dewi heb dderbyn diod, hyd yn oed. Mae e’n rhy brysur yn cwyno. Does neb yn gwrando arno ef heblaw am fam Dewi, sydd yn nodio ei phen yn achlysurol.

Niwsans yw tad Dewi Sant.

– Alla i ddim goddef dim mwy o hyn, meddai Daf y gath i’w chwaer Jeff.

– Beth am i ni ofyn i’r Archfadarch ‘i droi e’n rywbeth defnyddiol?

– Fel beth?

– Fel peiriant golchi llestri, er enghraifft.

– O, am syniad da, meddai Daf. – Ma ‘na lot o lestri i neud.

Ar ôl i’r Archfadarch berfformio defod a oedd yn llai na syfrdanol, mae peiriant golchi llestri negyddol yn sefyll yn yr ardd.

– Well i ni ei blymio fe i mewn, meddai Daf. – Ble mae panasen Franz Kafka, ein plymwr lleol, pan mae angen ohono fe?

Saesneg / English


Christmas time is family time.

Saint David is hiding from his parents in his shed. He is refusing to come out.

It’s been ten hours since Saint David’s father started complaining about young people, about the political situation, and, of course, about Saint David himself.

Saint David’s father has not even accepted a drink. He’s too busy complaining. Nobody is listening to him apart from Dewi’s mother, who nods her head occasionally.

Saint David’s father is a nuisance.

– I can’t stand any more of this, says Dave the cat to her sister Jeff.

– How about asking the Arch-mushroom to turn him into something useful?

– Like what?

– Like a dishwasher, for example.

– Oh, what a good idea, says Dave. – There are a lot of dishes to do.

After the Arch-mushroom has performed an underwhelming ritual, a negative dishwasher stands in the garden.

– We’d better plumb him in, says Dave. – Where is Franz Kafka’s parsnip, our local plumber, when you need him?

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