October 16, 2024

Mae’n noswyl Nadolig.

Mae’r siop cigydd ar agor yn gynnar iawn. Yn nhawelwch oriau mân y bore, mae rhywbeth yn nesáu.

Dyma Daf y gath.

Roedd Dewi Sant i fod i nôl y twrci, ond pasiodd e mas toc wedi hanner nos. Dyw Santes Dwynwen ddim yn llawer o help chwaith. Fe gafodd hi gwpl o goctêls neithiwr hefyd.

Felly, tasg Daf yw nôl y twrci.

Ond ychydig cyn iddi gyrraedd siop y cigydd, mae hi’n cael ei gwrthdynnu. Mae llwyth o Dreamies yn ffenest y milfeddygfa. Mae Daf yn torri i mewn.

Pan mae Daf yn cyrraedd gartref, mae Jeff yn hapus iawn iawn. Bydd Dreamies i ginio Nadolig.

Saesneg / English


It’s Christmas Eve.

The butcher’s shop is open very early. In the stillness of the early morning hours, something approaches.

It’s Dave the cat.

Saint David was meant to fetch the turkey, but he passed out shortly after midnight. Saint Dwynwen is not much help either. She also had a couple of cocktails last night.

So, it’s Dave’s task to fetch the turkey.

But just before she reaches the butcher’s shop, she is distracted. There’s a load of Dreamies in the window of the vet’s surgery. Dave breaks in.

When Dave arrives at home, Jeff is very very happy. There will be Dreamies for Christmas dinner.

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