October 17, 2024

Mae popeth yn felyn.

Mae Daf y gath wedi teithio i wlad y bananas trwy’r oergell er mwyn dianc rhag Crispin y milgi. Ac nawr, mae popeth yn felyn. Mae Daf yn ofnus. Mae hi’n becso bydd Chris Martin yn troi lan.

– Fy annwyl gath, meddai Brenin y bananas, – A fyddech chi mor garedig â’n helpu ni?

– Ymm, meddai Daf.

Mae’r Brenin y bananas yn parhau beth bynnag.

– Dim ond un peth sydd ar goll yn ein byd ni.

– O na, meddai Daf.

– Cwstard.

Saesneg / English

Bananaland, part 2

Everything is yellow.

Daf the cat has travelled to Bananaland through the fridge to escape Crispin the greyhound. And now, everything is yellow. Dave is scared. She’s worried Chris Martin will turn up.

– My dear cat, says the Banana King, – Would you be so kind as to help us?

– Umm, said Daf.

The Banana King continues anyway.

– Only one thing is missing in our world.

– Oh no, says Dave.

– Custard.

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