December 3, 2024

Mae Crispin y milgi wedi gweithio allan ei fod e’n gallu cyrraedd cyflymder o hanner can milltir yr awr wrth redeg o gwmpas yr ardd.

Mae e’n dechrau ymlid y cathod.

Mae Daf y gath a Jeff ei chwaer wedi gweithio allan bod angen arnyn nhw redeg am hanner cant ac un filltir yr awr er mwyn ddianc rhagddo fe.

Ond, yn anffodus, nid yw Daf y gath yn ffit iawn. Fel arfer, dim ond eistedd a llyfu ei thraed wrth gael profiadau seicedelig y mae hi.

– Glou! meddai banana Bryn Terfel. – Dewch i mewn i’r oergell!

Wrth gwrs, porth i’r arallfyd yw’r oergell, ac yn fuan iawn, mae hi’n cael ei hunan yng Ngwlad y Bananas.

– Helo, meddai Brenin y bananas. – A chroeso.

English / Saesneg

401: Bananaland

Crispin the greyhound has worked out that he can reach a speed of fifty miles an hour when running around the garden.

He starts chasing the cats.

Dave the cat and Jeff her sister have worked out that they need to run at fifty-one miles an hour in order to escape from him.

But, unfortunately, Dave the cat is not very fit. Usually, she just sits and licks her feet while having psychedelic experiences.

– Quick! said Bryn Terfel’s banana. – Come into the fridge!

Of course, the fridge is a portal to the beyond, and very soon, Dave finds herself in the Bananaland.

– Hello, says the king of the bananas. – And welcome.

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