October 17, 2024

Mae’r cathod yn cael eu hymlid o gwmpas yr ardd gan y staff. Amser torri crafangau yw e, a dydyn nhw ddim am gael eu dal.

– Jeff! Wyt ti isie bisged? gofyn y staff.

Dyw Jeff ddim eisiau bisged. Dyw hi ddim am gael ei thwyllo.

– Daf! Wyt ti isie bisged? gofyn y staff.

Dyw Daf ddim eisiau bisged chwaith. Dyw hi ddim am i’w chrafangau gael eu torri.

Mae’r staff yn rhoi’r ffidil yn y tô. Mae’r cathod yn dathlu eu buddugoliaeth trwy fynd i gysgu.

Saesneg / English

Claw cutting time

The cats are being chased around the garden by the staff. It’s claw cutting time, and they don’t want to be caught.

– Jeff! Do you want a biscuit? asked the staff.

Jeff doesn’t want a biscuit. She doesn’t want to be tricked.

– Dave! Do you want a biscuit? asked the staff.

Dave doesn’t want a biscuit either. She doesn’t want her claws cut.

The staff give up. The cats celebrate their victory by going to sleep.

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