October 17, 2024

Mae cragen fylchog wedi dod i’r ardd. Maen nhw’n anferth ac yn anneuaidd.

– Helo, meddai’r gragen fylchog. – Caerfyrddin dw i.

– Helo, meddai Daf y gath. – Ti bron cymaint â Chaerfyrddin.

– Shwt dwi fod i jyglo gyda hwna? gofyn yr hanner-siarc.

– Sai’n hoffi jyglo, meddai Caerfyrddin. – Ond fi’n hoff iawn o fwyd cathod.

– O Arglwydd, dim eto, meddylia Daf.

Saesneg / English


A scallop has come to the garden. They are huge and non-binary.

– Hello, says the scallop. – I’m Carmarthen.

– Hello, says Dave the cat. – You’re almost as big as Carmarthen.

– How am I supposed to juggle with that? asks the half-shark.

– I don’t like juggling, says Carmarthen. – But I really like cat food.

– Oh Lord, not again, thinks Dave.

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