October 17, 2024

Mae Bryn Terfel wedi gadael banana o flaen y rheiddiadur electrig. Mae’r fanana’n mynd yn ddu a dechrau pydru.

Dyw’r fanana ddim yn hapus o gwbl. Mae lot gormod o sŵn gan fod canu Bryn Terfel yn uchel iawn, ac mae’n anghyffyrddus o boeth.

Mae’r fanana ar fin cwyno pan mae Dewi Sant yn troi’r rheiddiadur bant.

– Sdim angen i ni gynhesu’r holl ardd, meddai, – Nid am 34c y cilowat-awr.

Mae Daf y gath yn hollol anymwybodol o beth sydd yn digwydd tan iddi gael ei deffro gan ei chwaer Jeff.

– Daf! Mae Bryn Terfel isie banana newydd, meddai Jeff.

– Be ddigwyddodd i’r hen fanana?

– Ma fe wedi mynd i’r oergell a diflannu.

– Wel, porth i fyd arall yw’r oergell, wedi’r cwbl.

Saesneg / English


Bryn Terfel has left a banana in front of the radiator. The banana is turning black and starting to rot.

The banana is not happy at all. There is much too much noise as Bryn Terfel’s singing is very loud, and it is uncomfortably hot.

The banana is about to complain when Dewi Sant turns off the radiator.

– We don’t need to heat the whole garden, he says, – Not for 34p per kilowatt-hour.

Dave the cat is completely unaware of what is happening until she is woken up by her sister Jeff.

– Dave! Bryn Terfel wants a new banana, says Jeff.

– What happened to the old banana?

– It’s gone into the fridge and disappeared.

– Well, the fridge is a portal to another world, after all, says Dave.

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