October 17, 2024

Ar ôl perfformiad dinistriol gan yr Archfadarchen, camodd Jeff y gath i’r hanner-lwyfan.

– Dw i’n mynd i neud tric arall, meddai hi.

Roedd hi’n bwriadu sefyll ar olion y llwyfan, taflu llygoden yn yr awyr, a llyncu’r cyfan heb gnoi.

Ond roedd hi’n rhy hwyr. Dawnsiai’r Archfadarchen o gwmpas y llanast oedd e wedi creu ei hun, wrth floeddio’n uchel a cheisio dinistrio beth oedd ar ôl o’r llwyfan gyda beth oedd ar ôl o’i lif.

Doedd dim byd i Jeff ond i fwyta’r Archfadarchen.

– Tric ardderchog, Jeff, ond ti ddim i fod i fyta cymeriadau erill, meddai Daf y gath.

– Fydda i byth yn neud e ‘to, meddai Jeff. – Wedd blas ffiaidd arno fe.

Saesneg / English

Another trick

After a destructive performance by the Arch-mushroom, Jeff the cat stepped onto the half-stage.

– I’m going to do another trick, she said.

She planned to stand on the remains of the stage, throw a mouse in the air, and swallow the lot without chewing.

But it was too late. The Arch-mushroom was dancing around the wreckage he had created himself, while shouting loudly and attemping to destroy what was left of the stage with what was left of his saw.

There was nothing for it but for Jeff to eat the Arch-mushroom.

– Excellent trick, Jeff, but you’re not supposed to eat other characters, said Dave the cat.

– I’ll never do it again, said Jeff. – He tasted disgusting.

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