October 17, 2024

Dyw cynllun Daf y gath ddim wedi gweithio.

Roedd hi’n bwriadu boddi’r tatws i gyd – yn gynnwys y cyn-Brifdaten – yng nghwstard Santes Dwynwen, ond roedd y tatws wrthi’n cynnal derbynfa diodydd rywle arall.

– Fe wna i ffonio Sant Padrig, meddai Dewi Sant. – Bydd e’n gwybod beth i’w wneud.

Mae Dewi Sant yn tanio sigarét a’i hen ffôn symudol (sydd heb ryngrwyd, hyd yn oed), a ffonio Sant Padrig. Awr yn ddiweddarach, mae Dewi wedi gwacáu potelaid o wisgi a phasio mas yn ei sied. Ond mae nodyn ar ei ddesg.

Mae’r nodyn yn dweud un gair yn unig.


Saesneg / English

Reappearance, part 3

Dave the cat’s plan has not worked.

She intended to drown all the potatoes – including the ex-Prime Potato – in St Dwynwen’s custard, but the potatoes were holding a drinks reception elsewhere.

– I’ll call Saint Patrick, said David Saint. – He will know what to do.

Dewi Sant lights a cigarette and turns on his old mobile phone (which doesn’t even have internet), and calls Saint Patrick. An hour later, Dewi has emptied a bottle of whiskey and passed out in his shed. But there is a note on his desk.

The note says one word only.


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