October 17, 2024

Mae’r cyn-Brifdaten wedi ailymddangos. Mae popeth ar dân, ac yn y blaen. Mae Dewi Sant wedi dechrau gweddïo, hyd yn oed.

Ond mae Daf y gath yn mynd i stopio’r tatws a’u hanrhefn.

Mae hi’n neidio i’w fan a gyrru’n gyflym iawn at iard yr adeiladwyr, lle mae hi’n prynu llwyth o frisblociau. Yna, mae hi’n gyrru’n ôl i’r ardd, a dechrau adeiladu… rhywbeth.

– Be ti neud, Daf? gofynna Jeff y gath, sydd off ei phen ar y catnip unwaith eto.

– Adeiladu pwll nofio. Wel, pwll boddi, meddai Daf, ond dyw Jeff ddim yn gwrando bellach. Mae hi bant ar drip seicedelig gyda phethau lliwgar.

Cyn bo hir, mae’r pwll yn barod.

Mae Daf yn rhoi hysbyseb ar y wal sydd yn dweud y bydd cyfarfod mawr gyda dynion busnes cyfoethog o Rwsia yn y pwll am chwech o’r gloch yr hwyr.

Nawr, does dim byd i’w wneud ond aros.

Saesneg / English

Reappearance, part 2

The ex-Prime Potato has reappeared. Everything is on fire, and so on. Saint David has even started praying.

But Dave the cat is going to stop the potatoes and their chaos.

She jumps into her van and drives very quickly to the builders yard, where she buys a load of breeze blocks. Then, she drives back to the garden, and starts building… something.

– What are you doing, Dave? asks Jeff the cat, who is off her head on the catnip once again.

– Building a swimming pool. Well, a drowning pool, says Dave, but Jeff isn’t listening any more. She’s off on a psychedelic trip with colourful things.

Before long, the pool is ready.

Dave puts an advertisement on the wall which says that there will be a big meeting with rich businessmen from Russia in the pool at six o’clock in the evening.

There is nothing to do now but wait.

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