October 17, 2024

Mae’r gaeaf yn dod. Mae hi’n oeri.

Mae’r Prifdaten yn cwyno yn barhaol ei bod hi’n rhewi. Felly Mae Santes Dwynwen yn penderfynu mynd â hi i’r siopau i brynu het gynnes.

Ond does dim hetiau cynnes ar ôl. Mae pawb yn rhewi, gan nad yw hi’n bosib iddyn nhw fforddio troi’r gwres canolog ymlaen. Felly mae pawb eisoes wedi prynu’r cwbl lot.

Mae’r Prifdaten yn dweud wrth Santes Dwynwen ei bod hi wedi penderfynu defnyddio bom niwclear i gynhesu’r ardd. Mae hi’n teimlo’n barod i’w wneud e. Dyna pam mae hi wedi cael ei hetholi fel arweinydd y tatws, wedi’r cwbl.

Mae Santes Dwynwen yn chwilio am fin lle mae hi’n medru cael gwared ar y Prifdaten unwaith ac am byth. Mae angen y fath bin ar bawb weithiau.

Ond yn y pen draw, mae Santes Dwynwen yn mynd â’r Prifdaten i mewn i archfarchnad enfawr, lle mae hi’n gollwng y gwreiddlysieuyn uffernol yn y blwch rhoddion ar gyfer y banc bwyd. Am gyfiawnder.

Ond mae ‘na wastad un arall.

Saesneg / English

Getting cold

Winter is coming. It’s getting cold.

The Prime Potato is constantly complaining that she is freezing. So Saint Dwynwen decides to take her to the shops to buy a warm hat.

But there are no warm hats left. Everyone is freezing, as it is not possible for them to afford to turn on the central heating. So everyone has already bought the whole lot.

The Prime Potato tells Saint Dwynwen that she has decided to use a nuclear bomb to heat up the garden. She feels ready to do it. That is why she has been elected as the leader of the potatoes, after all.

Saint Dwynwen looks for a bin where she can get rid of the Prime Potato once and for all. Everyone needs a bin like that sometimes.

But eventually, Saint Dwynwen takes the Prime Potato into a huge supermarket, where she drops the hellish root vegetable into the donation box for the food bank. What justice.

But there is always another.

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