October 17, 2024

Mae’r Esgob wedi gorfodi Dewi Sant i fynd i gynhadledd. Dyw Dewi Sant ddim yn hapus am y peth o gwbl.

Mae’r cyflwynyddion yn ddiflas iawn. Maen nhw i gyd yn dod o’r byd busnes, gan fod yr Esgob am i’r eglwys ennill mwy o arian.

Ond dyw Dewi Sant ddim yn rhoi cachiad am ennill arian.

Mae e’n treulio’r gynhadledd yn yfed gormod o goffi a bwyta gormod o fisgedi.

Erbyn amser cinio mae e off ei ben ar gaffein a siwgr.

Saesneg / English


The Bishop has forced Saint David to go to a conference. Saint David is not happy about it at all.

The presenters are very boring. They all come from the business world, as the Bishop wants the church to earn more money.

But Saint David doesn’t give a shit about earning money.

He spends the conference drinking too much coffee and eating too many biscuits.

By lunchtime he’s off his head on caffeine and sugar.

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