October 17, 2024

Mae popeth yn yr ardd wedi mynd yn felyn.

Nid ar Santes Dwynwen a’i chwstard cariad yw’r bai, am unwaith.

Mae Chris Martin wedi dod i’r ardd, ac mae e’n canu cân lle mae popeth yn felyn.

– Trowch eich golygon at y sêr, meddai Chris Martin.

– Cer o ‘ma, y twpsyn, meddai Jeff y gath, – a dos a dy ganeuon diflas gyda ti.

Saesneg / English


Everything in the garden has gone yellow.

The blame is not on Saint Dwynwen and her love custard, for once.

Chris Martin has come to the garden, and he is singing a song in which everything is yellow.

– Look to the stars, says Chris Martin.

– Get lost, you idiot, says Jeff the cat, – and take your miserable songs with you.

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