October 17, 2024

Mae Jeff y gath wedi cyrraedd pen ei thennyn gyda’i chwaer gan fod Daf y gath yn ymosod arni hi trwy’r amser.

Gall Daf fod yn ast weithiau, meddylia Jeff.

Mae Jeff yn penderfynu defnyddio’r tennyn i glymu Daf wrth ddrws sied Dewi Sant. Mae hi’n gofyn i Santes Dwynwen am gymorth. Mae Santes Dwynwen yn hapus i helpu, gan fod Daf hefyd wedi bod yn ymosod arni hi.

Fydd ddim rhagor o ymosodiadau. Tan i Daf ryddhau ei hun.

Saesneg / English


Jeff the cat has reached the end of her tether with his sister because Dave the cat is attacking her all the time.

Dave can be a bitch sometimes, thinks Jeff.

Jeff decides to use the leash to tie Dave to the door of St David’s shed. She asks Santes Dwynwen for help. Saint Dwynwen is happy to help, as Dave has also been attacking her.

There will be no further attacks. Until Dave frees herself.

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