October 17, 2024

Mae Santes Dwynwen yn sgint. Mae hi wedi rhedeg mas o gocên. Mae’r cwbl lot wedi mynd.

 dweud y gwir mae Daf y gath wedi cymryd y cyfan. A chan fod y Prifdaten wedi tancio’r economi, does dim arian ar ôl i brynu mwy.

Erbyn hyn, mae Daf y gath yn malu cachu am gan milltir yr awr. Mae Jeff wedi cael hen ddigon.

Mae Santes Dwynwen yn penderfynu traethbrogio. Mae hi’n gobeithio dod o hyd i fwy o gocên. Ond does dim ond gwichiaid moch a chocos.

Saesneg / English


Saint Dwynwen is skint. She has run out of cocaine. It’s all gone.

To tell the truth Dafve the cat has taken it all. And since the Prime Potato has tanked the economy, there is no money left to buy more.

By now, Dave the cat is talking rubbish at a hundred miles an hour. Jeff has had enough.

Santes Dwynwen decides to go beachcombing. She is hoping to find more cocaine. But there is nothing but whelks and cockles.

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