October 17, 2024

Mae Santes Dwynwen wedi bod yn mewnforio cocên er mwyn ennill tamaid bach o arian, achos bod y Prifdaten wedi tancio’r economi.

Ond pwy sy’n mynd i ddosbarthu‘r cocên?

– Daf, ga i ofyn ffafr?

Mae Daf y gath yn gwybod yn union beth i’w ddisgwyl, a dyw hi ddim yn bwriadu dosbarthu’r cocên o gwbl. Beth bynnag, mae hi wedi bod yn mwynhau’r cocên yn barod, ac mae hi off ei phen.

Saesneg / English


Santes Dwynwen has been importing cocaine in order to earn a little bit of money, because the Prime Potato has tanked the economy.

But who is going to distribute the cocaine?

– Dave, can I ask a favour?

Dave the cat knows exactly what to expect, and she is not intending to distribute the cocaine at all. Anyway, she’s been enjoying the cocaine already, and she’s out of her mind.

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