October 17, 2024

Mae’r Prifdaten wedi gwneud tro pedol yn ystod cynhadledd y tatws.

Ond mae economi’r ardd yn dal i dancio.

Mae Santes Dwynwen wedi penderfynu gwneud tro pedol hefyd. Mae hi wedi penderfynu mewnforio cocên yn lle gwneud cwstard.

– Does dim dewis gyda fi, meddai hi. – Ac mae ‘na draeth cyfleus sydd dafliad cerrig o Aberystwyth a fydd yn gwneud y tro.

Saesneg / English


The Prime Potato has made a U-turn during the potato conference.

But the garden’s economy is still tanking.

Saint Dwynwen has decided to make a u-turn as well. She has decided to import cocaine instead of making custard.

– I have no choice, she said. – And there is a convenient beach a stone’s throw from Aberystwyth that will do the trick.

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