October 17, 2024

Mae’r heddlu wedi cyrraedd.

Mae Dewi Sant wedi cael ffrae gyda’r hanner-siarc, achos bod yr hanner-siarc wedi cymryd drosodd ei babell.

Mae Santes Dwynwen wedi cael ffrae gyda’r Prifdaten achos bod y Prifdaten yn anfad.

Mae Daf y gath wedi cael ffrae gyda chwmwl achos bod hi’n cael profiad seicedelig.

– Helô, helô, helô, meddai’r plismon, ond does neb yn ei glywed e, achos eu bod nhw i gyd yn ffraeo.

Saesneg / English


The police have arrived.

Saint David has had an argument with the half-shark, because the half-shark has taken over his tent.

Saint Dwynwen has had an argument with the Prime Potato because the Prime Potato is evil.

Dav the cat has had an argument with a cloud because she is having a psychedelic experience.

– Hello, hello, hello, says the policeman, but nobody hears him, because they are all arguing.

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