October 17, 2024

– Oes rhywbeth werth ei ddathlu? gofynnodd Daf un tro.

– Pam? Ti heb gael profiad seicedelig am sbel? ymatebodd Jeff ei chwaer.

– Dwi am gynnal parti, meddai Daf. – Mae popeth wedi bod mor ddiflas yn ddiweddar. Yn enwedig i weriniaethwyr.

– Beth am i ni ddathlu Diwrnod Owain Glyndŵr ‘te?

– Esgus da iawn, er oedd e’n dyswysog. Ble mae’r cyffurie?

Saesneg / English

Owain Glyndŵr Day

– Is there anything worth celebrating? Dave the cat asked one day.

– Why? Haven’t you had a psychedelic experience for a while? responded Jeff her sister.

– I want to hold a party, said Dave. – Everything has been so miserable lately. Especially for republicans.

– How about we celebrate Owain Glyndŵr Day?

– A very good excuse, even though he was a prince. Where are the drugs?

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