October 17, 2024

Tra bod Franz Kafka a Samuel Beckett wedi bod yn byw gyda’i gilydd y tu mewn i’r piano, mae selsig Franz Kafka wedi mynd allan o reolaeth.

Mae’r selsig wedi bod yn gwylio’r tatws, a chopïo’u henghraifft. Ond maen nhw’n fwy ffiwdal na’r tatws. Yn lle ethol Prifselsig, mae un selsigen wedi dod i’r amlwg fel Brenin.

Wedi sylweddoli bod ei dŷ bychan perffaith yn wag yn awr, mae Franz Kafka wedi gadael diogelwch y piano. Mae e mor siomedig wrth weld bod y selsig yn cael eu llywodraethu gan Frenin Selsigol, gan ei fod e’n weriniaethwr.

Mae e’n ceisio datrys y broblem trwy ffrïo’r Brenin Selsigol, ond nid yw hynny’n gweithio. Mae rheolwr y selsig yn gwisgo gormod o wisg seremonïol, a chyn bo hir mae’r selsig wedi dechrau canu cân bygythiol am fradwriaeth.

Nid yw Franz Kafka’n teimlo’n ddiogel.

Mae e’n mynd yn ôl y tu mewn i’r piano.

Saesneg / English

King of the sausages

While Franz Kafka and Samuel Beckett have been living together inside the piano, Franz Kafka’s sausages have got out of control.

The sausages have been watching the potatoes, and copying their example. But they are more feudal than the potatoes. Instead of electing a Prime Sausage, one sausage has emerged as King.

Having realised that his perfect little house is now empty, Franz Kafka has left the safety of the piano. He is so disappointed to see that the sausages are governed by a Sausagey King, as he is a republican.

He tries to solve the problem by frying the Sausagey King, but that doesn’t work. The ruler of the sausages is wearing too much ceremonial dress, and before long the other sausages have started singing a threatening song about treason.

Franz Kafka does not feel safe.

He goes back inside the piano.

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