October 17, 2024

Mae Daf y gath wedi gweld sombi. Mae hi’n ofni sombis. Y tro diwetha daeth sombi i’r ardd, roedd lot o drafferth tan i Draig y ci hela fe i ffwrdd.

Ond mae’r sombi hon yn wahanol. Mae hi’n gwrtais iawn. Mae hi’n gofyn i bawb sut maen nhw, a dyw hi ddim wedi brathu neb eto.

– Jeff, wyt ti wedi gweld y sombi? gofynna Daf i’w chwaer Jeff.

– Pa sombi wyt ti’n meddwl?

– Honna. Y fenyw draw fan ‘na sy’n siarad â’r hanner-siarc.

– Nid sombi yw honna, meddai Jeff. – Y dwpsen. Dim ond Santes Dwynwen yw hi. Mae hi wedi mynd i barti gwisg ffansi arall.

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat has seen a zombie. She is afraid of zombies. Last time a zombie came to the garden, there was a lot of trouble until Dragon the dog chased it away.

But this zombie is different. She is very polite. She asks everyone how they are, and hasn’t bitten anyone yet.

– Jeff, have you seen the zombie? Dave asks her sister Jeff.

– Which zombie do you mean?

– That one. The woman over there who is talking to the half-shark.

– That’s not a zombie, said Jeff. – You idiot. It’s just Saint Dwynwen. She has been to another fancy dress party.

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