October 17, 2024

Mae Santes Dwynwen wedi penderfynu camu i lawr fel nawddsant cariad. Syndod mawr i Daf y gath yw hyn. Wedi dweud hynny, mae popeth yn syndod mawr i Daf y gath.

– Mae hynny’n nuts, meddai Daf. – Alli di ddim jyst camu i lawr o dy holl hunaniaeth, swydd, a phopeth ar yr un pryd. Mae e fel taswn i’n camu i lawr o fod yn gath.

– Ond dw i eisiau camu i lawr. Does dim digon o gariad yn y byd bellach. Felly does dim angen nawddsant cariad chwaith.

– Pwynt teg, meddai Daf. – Hoffet ti fisged?

Saesneg / Englisn

Stepping down

Saint Dwynwen has decided to step down as the patron saint of love. This is a big surprise for Dave the cat. Then again, everything is a big surprise for Dave the cat.

– That’s nuts, says Dave. – You can’t just step down from all your identity, job, and everything at the same time. It’s like if I stepped down from being a cat.

– But I want to step down. There is not enough love in the world anymore. So there is no need for a patron saint of love either.

– Fair point, says Dave. – Would you like a biscuit?

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