October 17, 2024

Un tro, daeth gwagle Ceidwadol i’r ardd.

– O na, meddai Daf y gath, – dim eto.

Gwisgai’r gwagle siwt las a chadwyn o berlau. Dim ond tri pheth allai’r gwagle ddweud.

– Caws! Marchnadoedd cig moch! Gwarthus!

– O Wagle Ceidwadol, wnei di ‘n helpu ni? Mae pawb yn mynd i rewi dros y gaeaf, yn gynnwys fi, meddai Dewi Sant.

– Gwarthus!

– Beth wyt ti’n mynd i wneud?

– Caws!

– Aros am funud, meddai Jeff y gath. – Gad i fi drio rhywbeth.


– Beth fydd dy bolisi o ran annibyniaeth i Gymru?

– Marchnadoedd cig moch!

Erbyn hyn roedd Dewi Sant wedi dechrau fflyrtio gyda’r gwagle.

– PAID CUSANU TORÏAID, ebychodd Jeff.

– Pryd fydd ‘na etholiad? meddai Daf.

Saesneg / English

Conservative void

Once upon a time, a Conservative void came to the garden.

– Oh no, said Dave the cat, – not again.

The void wore a blue suit and a chain of pearls. The void could only say three things.

– Cheese! Pork markets! Disgraceful!

– Oh Conservative void, will you help us? Everyone is going to freeze over the winter, including me, said Dewi Sant.

– Disgraceful!

– What are you going to do?

– Cheese!

– Wait a minute, said Jeff the cat. – Let me try something.

She paused.

– What will be your policy regarding independence for Wales?

– Pork markets!

By this time Dewi Sant had started to flirt with the void.

– DON’T KISS TORIES, Jeff exclaimed.

– When will there be an election? said Dave.

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