Annwyl Dewi,
Bydd rhaid i ti ddysgu rheoli’r cathod ‘na.
[Dim gobaith, meddylia Dewi.]
Yn anffodus, does dim arian ar ôl i ni, wedi imi wario eitha lot ar fy ngwyliau. Felly, does dim cyfle i ti gael sied newydd. Bydd rhaid i ti rewi fel pawb arall.
[Wel, diolch yn fawr, eich mawreddi.]
Paid â sôn am fy mab byth eto, os nad wyt ti am gael dy anfon i rywle lot lai cyffyrddus.
Yr Esgob
Saesneg / English
The Bishop’s letter to Saint David
Dear Saint David,
You will have to learn to control those cats.
[No hope, thinks Saint David.]
Unfortunately, we have no money left, after I spent quite a lot on my holidays. So, there is no chance of you getting a new shed. You will have to freeze like everyone else.
[Well, thank you very much, your majesty.]
Don’t mention my son ever again, if you don’t want to be sent somewhere much less comfortable.
The Bishop