December 3, 2024

Mae tŷ bychan perffaith Franz Kafka wedi’i gwblhau. Mae e’n las, â phlac ar y wal sydd yn dweud “Franz Kafka”.

Mae Franz Kafka yn paratoi i symud i mewn. Mae e wedi pacio’i selsig i gyd, a phowlen o gwstard (anrheg housewarming gan Santes Dwynwen).

Ond mae ‘na broblem.

Wrth i Franz Kafka agor y drws, mae e’n sylweddoli taw Samuel Beckett yw’r broblem. Mae Samuel Beckett eisoes wedi symud i mewn, achos ei fod e’n hoffi llefydd tynn.

Mae Samuel Beckett yn hapus iawn er ei fod e’n hollol sownd. Mae Franz Kafka yn dal i fod yn ddi-gartref.

Saesneg / English

Franz Kafka’s house, part 4

Franz Kafka’s perfect little house is complete. It’s blue, with a plaque on the wall that says “Franz Kafka”.

Franz Kafka is preparing to move in. He has packed all his sausages, and a bowl of custard (a housewarming gift from Saint Dwynwen).

But there is a problem.

As Franz Kafka opens the door, he realises that Samuel Beckett is the problem. Samuel Beckett has already moved in, because he likes tight spaces.

Samuel Beckett is very happy even though he is completely stuck. Franz Kafka is still homeless.

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