October 17, 2024

Mae’r storm wedi dod. Mae hi’n bwrw hen wragedd a ffyn.

Mae Jeff y gath wedi bod yn ddoeth iawn. Mae hi wedi ceisio lloches yn sied Dewi Sant, ymhlith y blychau o fwyd cathod.

Dyw Daf y gath byth yn ddoeth.

Mae hi mas yn y storm. Nid oes ganddi ymbarél. O blydi hel.

Cyn bo hir, amser swper, bydd hi’n ymgyflwyno ar drothwy’r drws ffrynt, yn diferu’n wlyb.

Saesneg / English

The storm has come. It’s raining cats and dogs [lit. old women and sticks].

Jeff the cat has been very wise. She has sheltered in Saint David’s shed, among the boxes of cat food.

Dave the cat is never wise.

She is out in the storm. She does not have an umbrella. Oh bloody hell.

Soon, at dinner time, she will present herself on the doorstep, dripping wet.

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