October 17, 2024

Mae’r tywydd wedi torri. Ond yn lle bwrw glaw, mae hi wedi bwrw pannas.

Mae panasen yn taro Daf y gath ar ei phen hi.

– Hei, stopiwch hynny, meddai Daf.

Ond mae’r banasen yn ymosodol iawn, a pharhau i daro Daf â rhaw fechan.

– Gobeithio bydd hi’n bwrw Owennau cyn bo hir, meddylia Daf.

Saesneg / English


The weather has broken. But instead of rain, it has rained parsnips.

A parsnip hits Dave the cat on the head.

– Hey, stop that, says Dave.

But the parsnip is very aggressive, and continues to hit Dave with a tiny spade.

– I hope it will rain Owens soon, Dave thinks.

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