October 17, 2024

Mae’r ardd wedi newid. Mae paent lliwgar dros y lle i gyd, ac mae Dewi Sant wedi ail-adeiladu ei sied mewn steil Eidalaidd.

Mae Daf y gath yn mynd i weld Dewi Sant.

– Helo Dewi Sant, meddai Daf.

– DIM ENWAU. Fi yw’r rhif dau newydd.

– Pwy yw rhif un?

– Ti yw rhif chwech. Ni isie gwybodaeth.

– Does dim lot o hynny fan hyn, meddai Daf, a mynd yn ôl i lyfu ei thraed.

Saesneg / English

The Prisoner

The garden has changed. There is colourful paint all over the place, and Saint David has rebuilt his shed in an Italianate style.

Dave the cat goes to see Saint David.

– Hello Saint David, says Dave.

– NO NAMES. I am the new Number Two.

– Who is Number One?

– You are Number Six. We want information.

– There is not a lot of that here, says Dave, and she goes back to licking her feet.

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