October 17, 2024

Mae Jeff a Daf ar eu gwyliau gyda’r staff ar lan y môr. Mae hi’n troi’n nos.

Mae hyn yn golygu y bydd Jeff y gath yn mynd i hela’r anifeiliaid lleol. Mae ganddi hi fwced, ac mae hi’n rhyfeddol o gryf. Mae hi’n diflannu i’r tywyllwch.

Cyn bo hir mae crafu wrth y drws. Mae’r staff yn agor y drws i weld corff dolffin ar y trothwy.

– Wedi dod â hwn i ti, meddai Jeff.

– BANT Â FE, meddai’r staff.

Saesneg / English


Jeff and Daf are on holiday with the staff at the seaside. It is turning into night.

This means that Jeff the cat will go and hunt the local animals. She has a bucket, and she is amazingly strong. She disappears into the darkness.

Soon there is a scratching at the door. The staff open the door to see the body of a dolphin on the doorstep.

– Brought you this, says Jeff.

– TAKE IT AWAY, say the staff.

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