October 17, 2024

Mae’r cathod ar eu ffordd i’r gwesty cathod er mwyn achub Samuel Beckett. Mae Jeff wedi penderfynu bomio’r sefydliad.

Ond pan maen nhw’n cyrraedd, mae Jeff y gath yn sylweddoli bod y bom wedi diflannu.

– Daf?

– Beth?

– O’t ti fod i ofalu am y bom. Ble mae e?

– Dw i ddim yn gwybod. Efallai gadewais i fe ar y bws.

– Y dwpsen. Beth y’n ni’n mynd i wneud nawr?

– Esgus bod yn berchnogion Samuel Beckett a jyst ei gasglu fe?

Saesneg / English


The cats are on their way to the cat hotel to save Samuel Beckett. Jeff has decided to bomb the establishment.

But when they arrive, Jeff the cat realises that the bomb has disappeared.

– Dave?

– What?

– You were supposed to take care of the bomb. where is it?

– I don’t know. Maybe I left it on the bus.

– You idiot. What are we going to do now?

– Pretend to be Samuel Beckett’s owners and just collect him?

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