October 17, 2024

Er ei fod e’n niwsans, mae’r cathod yn poeni am Samuel Beckett.

Dydyn nhw ddim yn hoffi’r gwesty cathod gan nad yw hi’n bosib iddyn nhw fynd mas yn yr heulwen pan yr ydyn nhw yno.

‘Dyn nhw ddim yn gwybod bod Samuel Beckett yn cael amser braf mewn lle tynn.

Mae Daf yn gwneud cynllun dianc.

– Mae rhaid i ni balu twnnel, meddai wrth Jeff.

– Y dwpsen, meddai Jeff. – Does dim angen twnnel. Ni angen bom.

– Bomio amdani, ‘te, meddai Daf.

Mae Daf yn oedi.

– Oes bom gyda ti? gofynna’n obeithiol.

– Oes, fel mae’n digwydd, ateba Jeff.

A bant â nhw i fomio’r gwesty cathod.

Saesneg / English

Escape plan

Although he is a nuisance, the cats are worried about Samuel Beckett.

They don’t like the cat hotel as it is not possible for them to go out in the sunshine when they are there.

They don’t know that Samuel Beckett is having a lovely time in a tight space.

Dave is making an escape plan.

– We have to dig a tunnel, she says to Jeff.

– You idiot, said Jeff. – There’s no need for a tunnel. We need a bomb.

– Bombing it is, then, says Dave.

Dave pauses.

– Do you have a bomb? she asks hopefully.

– Yes, as it happens, answers Jeff.

And off they go to bomb the cat hotel.

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