October 17, 2024

Mae’r cathod newydd ddychwelyd o siop ddodrefn.

Yn y siop ddodrefn oedd cadeiriau. Crafodd Daf eu coesau.

Yn y siop ddodrefn oedd gwelyau. Gadawodd Daf llwyth o fflwff arnyn nhw.

Yn y siop ddodrefn oedd llawer o gobenyddion. Dinistriodd Jeff y cwbl lot, a gadael plu o gwmpas y lle i gyd.

Yn y siop ddodrefn oedd siopwr. Siopwr hollol gynddeiriog.

Dywedodd y cathod “ta-ta” a gadael heb ddim byd.

Saesneg / English

Furniture shop

The cats have just returned from a furniture shop.

In the furniture shop there were chairs. Dave scratched their legs.

In the furniture shop there were beds. Dave left a load of fluff on them.

In the furniture shop there were many pillows. Jeff destroyed the whole lot, and left feathers all over the place.

In the furniture shop was a shopkeeper. An absolutely furious shopkeeper.

The cats said “ta-ta” and left with nothing.

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