October 17, 2024

Mae pawb wedi gwasgu’i hun i gysgod sied Dewi Sant, gan fod yr haul mor gryf.

Does neb yn gwneud dim byd, heblaw am Daf y gath, sydd yn pwnio bwced efo’i throed.

– Daf, paid, meddai Jeff y gath. – Ti’n bod yn niwsans.

Ond dyw Daf ddim yn ateb. Mae hi mewn trwmgwsg, ac yn breuddwydio am bwnio bwced efo’i throed.

Saesneg / English

Deep sleep

Everyone has squeezed themselves into the shade of Saint David’s shed, as the sun is so strong.

No one is doing anything, except for Dave the cat, who is poking a bucket with her foot.

– Dave, don’t, says Jeff the cat. – You’re being a nuisance.

But Dave doesn’t answer. She is fast asleep, and dreaming of poking a bucket with her foot.

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