October 17, 2024

Mae’r Esgob wedi cael y sack.

Dywedodd yr Esgob nad oedd yr arian ddim ond gorffwys yn ei gyfrif. Ond chytunodd yr awdurdodau ddim.

– Hoffwn i fod yn Esgob, meddai Daf y gath yn ddifrifol. – Bydd hi’n gyfle i ennill bach o arian ychwanegol.

– O, Daf, dyna oedd holl bwynt ei ddiswyddiad, meddai Jeff y gath, ei chwaer hi.

– Ond mwy clyfar ‘na fe ydw i, meddai Daf.

– Ti ddim, ateba Jeff. – Ti’n dwpsen oren.

Saesneg / English

New Bishop

The Bishop has got the sack.

The Bishop said that the money was just resting in his account. But the authorities did not agree.

– I would like to be a Bishop, said Dave the cat seriously. – It would be an opportunity to earn a little extra money.

– Oh, Dave, that was the whole point of his dismissal, said Jeff the cat, her sister.

– But I’m cleverer than him, says Daf.

– You’re not, answered Jeff. – You’re an orange idiot.

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