October 17, 2024

Hyd yn hyn mae llywodraeth ffasgaidd wedi carcharu sawl cymeriad, a dinistrio sawl arall.

Mae risg y byddan nhw’n carcharu rhagor o gymeriadau. Maen nhw’n casáu pawb.

Ydyn nhw wedi carcharu’r seintiau? Ydyn.

Charcharasant selsig Frank Kafka? Do.

Fydd y madarch yn dychwelyd i’r ardd? Na fydd.

Wnaiff y llywodraeth garcharu Daf y gath? Dim gobaith caneri.

Saesneg / English

In Prison (redux)

So far, the fascist government has imprisoned several characters, and destroyed several others.

There is a risk that they will imprison more characters. They hate everybody.

Have they imprisoned the saints? They have. [lit. “Are they after imprisoning the saints? They are.”]

Did they imprison Frank Kafka’s sausages? Yes.

Will the mushrooms be returning to the garden? They will not.

Will the government imprison Daf the cat? Not a cat in hell’s chance [lit. “not a canary’s hope”].

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