October 17, 2024

Mae selsig Franz Kafka’n protestio yn erbyn yr hanner-siarc, sydd yn ceisio jyglo nhw yn lle peli.

Mae’r selsig yn rhyfeddol o swnllyd.

Yna, yn sydyn, mae’r heddlu’n dod i’r ardd. Mae ugain ohonyn nhw. Ar ôl brwydr fer, mae’r heddlu’n arestio’r selsig â thrais anghyfartal, a diflannu.

Mae’r cathod wedi bod yn gwylio â diddordeb.

– Gyntaf, daethant i nôl y selsig, ond doeddwn i ddim yn selsigen, felly wnes i ddim byd, meddai Daf.

– Mae’r Ceidwadwyr yn ffasgwyr, on’d y’n nhw? gofynna Jeff.

– Ydyn, cytuna Daf.

– Tro nesa, byddwn ni’n barod, ateba Jeff.

Saesneg / English


Franz Kafka’s sausages are protesting against the half-shark, who is trying to juggle them instead of balls.

The sausages are surprisingly noisy.

Then all of a sudden the police come into the garden. There are twenty of them. After a short battle, the police arrest the sausages with disproportionate violence, and disappear.

The cats have been watching with interest.

– First, they came for the sausages, but I wasn’t a sausage, so I did nothing, says Dave.

– The Conservatives are fascists, aren’t they? asks Jeff.

– They are, agrees Dave.

– Next time, we’ll be ready, Jeff answers.

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