October 17, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant yn paratoi at daith. Mae e’n llwytho pethau i mewn i’w sied, ac mae e wedi rhoi tanc llwyr o danwydd ynddi hi.

– Bydd pobl yn ciwio ar yr M4 heddi, meddai Daf y gath.

– Does dim problem ar hyn o bryd, ateba Dewi. – Dyw satnav y sied wedi dweud dim byd am gynffon ‘nôl.

– Bydd hi’n well i ti osgoi Caerdydd, ‘ta beth.

– Bydd hynny’n hawdd.

– Pam?

– Dw i’n mynd â Santes Dwynwen ‘nôl i Fôn.

Saesneg / English

Travel Warning

St David is preparing for a journey. He loads things into his shed, and he puts a whole tank of fuel into it.

– People will be queuing on the M4 today, says Dave the cat.

– There is no problem at the moment, Saint David answers. – The shed’s satnav has said nothing about a tailback.

– It’s better to avoid Cardiff, anyway.

– That’ll be easy.

– Why?

– I’m taking St Dwynwen back to Anglesey.

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