October 17, 2024

Mae Daf y gath yn hedfan.

Mae ganddi awyren fach. Mae hi wedi cael benthyg o’r awyren gan ei ffrind Tubby. Mae Tubby y gath yn seren roc.

Ond dyw Daf ddim yn un da am reoli awyren.

Pan mae Tubby’n dod i nôl yr awyren, does dim byd ar ôl heblaw am gwpl o olwynion a darn o bren.

Dyw Tubby ddim yn hapus o gwbl. Mae e’n mynd at yr heddlu, ac mae Daf yn cael ei hanfon yn syth i’r carchar.

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat is flying.

She has a small plane. She has borrowed the plane from her friend Tubby. Tubby the cat is a rock star.

But Dave is no good at controlling an aeroplane.

When Tubby comes to fetch the plane, there is nothing left except a couple of wheels and a piece of wood.

Tubby is not happy at all. He goes to the police, and Dave is sent straight to prison.

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