October 17, 2024

Gadawodd y pererinion.

Yn syth, fe ddaethant o hyd i rwystr.

– Helo, meddai’r rhwystr.

– Helo, meddai Draig y ci. – Bachgen da dw i dwi’n mynd ar bererindod ar bererindod i brynu teils.

– On’d yw pererindodau i fod yn fwy ysbrydol na hynny? gofynnodd y rhwystr.

– Ydyn, meddai Mistar Pysgodyn Groovy. – Ond y’n ni i fod i fynd ar anturiaeth fawr.

– I’r siop DIY?

– I’r siop DIY.

Symudodd y rhwystr o’r neilltu.

Saesneg / English

Pilgrimage, part 3

The pilgrims left.

Immediately, they came across an obstacle.

– Hello, said the obstacle.

– Hello, said Dragon the dog. – I’m a good boy I’m going on a pilgrimage on a pilgrimage to buy tiles.

– Aren’t pilgrimages meant to be more spiritual than that? the obstacle asked.

– Yes, said Mr. Groovy Fish. – But we’re meant to go on a big adventure.

– To the DIY shop?

– To the DIY shop.

The obstacle moved aside.

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