October 17, 2024

Mae blodau hapus yn yr ardd. Mae’r blodau hapus yn felyn ac yn goch.

Mae’r tatws yn grac achos bod y blodau hapus wedi cymryd drosodd eu tiriogaeth nhw, a bod y blodau’n fwy poblogaidd na nhw. Achos eu bod nhw’n hapus.

Mae Mistar Afal Hapus yn casáu’r blodau hapus achos ei fod e’n casáu pawb a phopeth. Achos ei fod e’n anfad.

Mae Dewi Sant yn hoffi’r blodau hapus achos ei fod e’n hen ramantwr.

Does gan Daf y gath ddim diddordeb mewn blodau o gwbl. Mae’n well gyda hi gyffuriau. Mae hi’n cymryd ei catnip a chael profiad seicedelig.

Saesneg / English

Happy Flowers

There are happy flowers in the garden. The happy flowers are yellow and red.

The potatoes are angry because the happy flowers have taken over their territory, and the flowers are more popular than them. Because they are happy.

Happy Apple Mistar hates the happy flowers because he hates everyone and everything. Because he’s evil.

Saint David likes the happy flowers because he is an old romantic.

Dave the cat has no interest in flowers at all. She prefers drugs. She takes her catnip and has a psychedelic experience.

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