October 17, 2024

Mae Santes Dwynwen wedi bod yn gwneud caws. Mae hi wedi defnyddio cwstard i wneud y caws. Mae’r caws yn atgas.

Mae Jeff y gath yn gwyntio’r caws.

– Iesgob, meddai Jeff. – Beth yffach yw hynny?

– Dyna fy nghaws cwstard, meddai Santes Dwynwen yn browd, yn dangos pentwr o gaws drewllyd i Jeff.

– A beth yn y byd wyt ti’n mynd i wneud gyda hynny i gyd?

Yna, mae Jeff yn sylweddoli bod Daf y gath yn llowcio’r caws.

– Bydd yr hen dwpsen oren ‘na ‘n bwyta unrhyw beth, meddai Jeff, a bant â hi.

Saesneg / English


Saint Dwynwen has been making cheese. She has used custard to make the cheese. The cheese is disgusting.

Jeff the cat is smelling the cheese.

– Jeez, says Jeff. – What the hell is that?

– That’s my custard cheese, says St. Dwynwen proudly, showing Jeff a pile of stinky cheese.

– And what in the world are you going to do with all that?

Then, Jeff realises that Dave the cat is scoffing the cheese.

– That old orange idiot will eat anything, says Jeff, and off she goes.

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