1212: Yr Archesgob

Mae’r Archesgob wedi cyrraedd.

Dyw’r Archesgob ddim yn licio’r Esgob.

Dyw’r Archesgob ddim yn licio neb.

Felly, pam mae’r Archesgob wedi dod?

Achos mai hunanaddolwr yw e, ac mae e wedi cael e seboni gan wahoddiad yr Esgob.

O diar.

A fydd e’n achosi croestynfa rhyngenwadol yn yr ardal?

Siŵr o fod.

Doedd Daf y gath ddim yn gwybod beth yw croestynfa rhyngenwadol chwaith.

Doedd Daf y gath ddim yn gwybod beth yw croestynfa rhyngenwadol chwaith.

Saesneg / English

The Archbishop

The Archbishop has arrived.

The Archbishop does not like the Bishop.

The Archbishop does not like anyone.

So, why has the Archbishop come?

Because he is a narcissist, and he has been flattered by the Bishop’s invitation.

Oh dear.

Will it cause an interdenominational conflict in the area?


Dave the cat didn’t know what an interdenominational conflict was either.

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