1208: Adeiladwyr

Cyrhaeddodd yr adeiladwyr yn gynnar.

Roedd yr Esgob wedi dod o hyd iddyn nhw yn y “Tudalennau Melyn”, a’u cyflogi nhw yn syth bin fel eu bod yn gallu dechrau adeiladu eglwys ar hen safle Ysgol y Preseli.

O diar.

Cowbois oedden nhw?

Siŵr o fod.

Dechreueon nhw drwy osod sylfeini pyst. Iawn hyd yma.

Ond wedyn, diflanasant.


Byddai’r Esgob yn grac.

Ciliodd Daf y gath i bellter diogel.

“Ciliodd Daf y gath i bellter diogel.”

Saesneg / English


The builders arrived early.

The Bishop had found them in the “Yellow Pages”, and employed them straight away so that they could start building a church on the old site of Ysgol y Preseli.

Oh dear.

Were they cowboys?


They started by laying pile foundations. So far so good.

But then, they disappeared.


The Bishop would be angry.

Dave the cat retreated to a safe distance.

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